Live support, key of an endless satisfaction

When it comes to computer support the benefits of “Live Interactive” support are unparalleled. Traditional help desk and email based support can lead to frustration and wasted time. Our support process is based on an initial contact via telephone to establish the requirements, then the call is disconnected and remote support is commenced. It is entirely up to the client whether or not they chose to view the work that is been carried out by the support engineer.
Live Chat Wins Over
During the remote support session a live chat window is available to convey certain instructions or requests by either the engineer or the client.
The Combination Works Best.
Many of our clients have come from service providers where verbal contact is limited or non existent. We believe that the initial telephone contact in some cases is essential to set aside any potential misunderstanding about what a clients issues are and what needs to be done in order to resolve them.
Most of our clients have reported back with positive experiences regarding the entire support process.
From our point of view there is nothing better than a happy and contented client. When introducing remote support tools, we find that initially there are concerns regarding security but once these have been dealt with all of our clients are happy to install a remote agent on their PC, laptop or tablet. This enables us to provide faster and more efficient support.
Prevention is better than cure.
This might be something that you would expect to hear from your doctor. The same is true when it comes to maintaining your personal computer – a good backup, good antivirus, decent service plans and monitoring can make the process of recovering from a disaster much less stressful than it needs to be. PC Care Plus is committed to changing peoples attitude to backing up and maintenance. There are still a surprising amount of people that do not backup their photos, files or documents.
It is our aim that every PC Care Plus client has an up to date Antivirus solution and Backup plan in place. It is not scare mongering it is common sense and rather than leaving it to chance, we see that ensuring a backup is in place is an essential part of the service we offer. We have spoken to so many people that have lost precious wedding photos, or vital work documents due to having no backup or failed backup media such as external hard disks and USB sticks. During our initial live support evaluation we can advise the best solution for each client.